We Have Moved!

Our New Site Can Be Located Here

Thanks for using this site over the past few years (3 years goes by so quickly)! This site was originally made to help advertise my game when I was still a solo developer and has now grown to be much more than that. Unfortunately, Webador as a host is pretty unreliable and doesn't have as many features as I would have liked. We are now moving to Google Sites as our new website host. Our new site has many of the pages of this site; but updated and with a better design and flow. It adds Direct Downloads to all projects as well as helpful links to all projects, as well as links to all the members goings on in the "Meet The Team" page. There are more socials and contacts available, a form for MOD/feature requests as well as more organisation, links and an FAQ. We thank you for using our Webador site. It will recieve it's last update on 22/4/23 before not being updated for good. Thanks.

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